Monday 24 October 2011

Itap 4

Principles 1 and 2

In order to attempt a project I have had in mind I will have to carry out so much research that it seemed appropriate to chose this principle. The project is to do with alcoholism. Although I have first hand research far too often of this disease I would like to explore all the other forms it comes in and how that affects the victim and those around them. This will involve finding willing subjects, approaching alcohol organisations and charities, reading up on medical information, contacting health experts and finding the most suitable way to photograph the end result whatever it may be.I have tried to research photographers who have photographed this subject but have not had much luck so far. It is always interesting to see what the media and the government have to say on the topic also, so i regard listening to radio and reading papers part of my research.
This current Magazine project at BCU is the first time I have kept a sketchbook in earnest and although I thought I'd struggle I am beginning to see it develop well and see how it helps guide my work. I have also started to stick my work up around my work space to remain in a creative mood. 
I think the alcoholism study is something I would like to do with university next year or in my final year if it is still the direction I am going in. However there is nothing to stop me keeping a sketchbook related to it in the mean time which is what I intend to do.

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