Thursday 29 March 2012

Genius of photography Part 1

1)The true genius of photography is it's hidden depth which gives the viewer stimulating visual and psychological stimulation ad asks questions on many levels.Photography has the ability to stir our emotions through subject, colour and style as well as memory.
2)Henry Fox Talbot was on of the first pioneers of photography as well as Daguerre but he had a different technique for finishing the image which had more in common with a negative and allowed photography to become mass produced.
3)Mirror memory was the term coined with Daguerrotypes as the metal plate onto which the image was transferred shone/reflected the imposed picture 'memory' as well as the viewers reflection.
4)The term vernacular in photography is used to describe any use of photography which is not deemed as art. This would include passport photos, crime scene/forensic pictures and home snapshots etc.
5)The early pioneers of photography learnt how to stop an exposure from fading into blackness by fixing the black and white image with a nitrate solution, silver nitrate.
6)Cartes de visites were a knock on reaction to the sudden ability to mass produce images. They were small and mounted on card and were posted around by people as keepsakes.
7)Nadar had the ability to capture his models naturally without all the trappings of Victorian or the equivalent life. He brought out the essence of the sitter's personality.
8)Pictorialism was a back lash against the mass production and use of vernacular photography in society. I t wanted to create its own branch of fine art photography in keeping with painterly works of the time.

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