Thursday, 29 March 2012

Moving image part 2

1)The role of a cinematographer is to orchestrate lighting and cameras. A cinematographer works in unisn with art directors and directors and actors to achieve the best visual results for the script.
2)Roman Polanski insisted on using a hand held camera in China Town partly because this was the French/Polish filming method he was akin to. So it has cultural reasons. Also a hand held camera adds a sense of disorientation for the viewer. The camera had to be in close to the actors giving intimacy and claustrophobia.
3)Two films in which colour is used to symbolically is 
1) Paris Texas- director Wim Wenders uses reed and green gels throughout the film, especially the first half. The characters costumes often follow this trend. Even the backdrops are thought out in terms of old, vivid colours. Red and green are colours which a re uneasy, especially when used together. they are also symbolic of stop and go. Travis the character has been on the run then is stopped by his brother, then runs again to find his ex partner with whom he has a son.
2) Schindler's list uses colour very sparingly however it is used poignantly. If we think abut the masses of Jews murdered by the Nazis it is hard to have a recognizable emotion other than general horror and remorse. However, the use of the colour red with the little girls coat makes us think of a small, weak child,a girl. It is more powerful and evocative to single out so strongly such a sweet, innocent character who has no dialogue in the narrative. She carries the message of the story.
3)Raging Bull- the fight scene is filmed in two different speeds to add emphasis to the figt which is filmed at the faster speed of 48 frames per second.
4)Vittorio Stararo was the cinematographer for Apocalypse Now.

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